11/11/2021 francesoir.fr  5min 🇬🇧 #197738

Filipe Rafaeli : « evidence-based medicine is set up to approve lucrative drugs »


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A stunt pilot by profession, the Brazilian Filipe Rafaeli also happens to be a ferociously effective journalist and polemicist who knows how to do his research - and endowed with a sense of humour no less ferocious. Since the "Covid" crisis broke out, his articles have drawn attention world-wide, thanks to their author's talent for puncturing lies and fallacies of composition, notably in relation to early treatments and of course Hydroxychloroquine.

For Mr. Rafaeli "After almost two years of pandemic, we all know one thing: the mere name of Hydroxychloroquine arouses uncontrollable emotions. This happens in Brazil and in several countries around the world. And exactly because I see these childish reactions, including from scientists, I will try, again, to bring rationality to the debate."

Now, there's a Gold Standard when it comes to irrationality too, namely a study conducted in Spain by Philip Bagus for a Madrid University: 300 Portuguese students had fallen ill, presenting sysmptoms very like those of a "fatal" virus that had struck down fictional characters on a television programme called Strawberries with Sugar. It transpired that they were suffering from nothing at all, as the Portuguese National Institute for Medical Emergencies discovered on examinating them: though the disease was imaginary, the collective hysteria was not.

Given the hysteria, Mr. Rafaeli explains at the outset that he will be wielding a fresh approach in this, his latest piece: he will act on the basis that his opponents' premises as well as the "science" basis they allege, are all accurate, and will then attempt to pick apart the international contradictions. Which thing he succeeds - brilliantly - in doing.

Elsewhere, he acknowledges that another awkward obstacle is the population's blind faith in the authorities' benevolence. For the scales to fall from their eyes, one must methodically show that it is precisely the method relied upon by those who oppose early treatment which proves how very disingenuous they are.

If one accept the official line, namely that no treatment exists for the disease at issue, then all's well in the world and challenging the authorities would be otiose.

If, however, one dispute the official line, all is most certainly not well whether in high places, in the WHO (largely financed by the vaccine manufacturers), in Fauci's NIH or in the FDA (half the finances stem from the vaccine manufacturers). Not to speak of the fact that in service of private interests, the authorities have cheerfully taken on board the death of several million individuals. Which goes some way to explain why such violent emotion, in the face of a catastrophe deliberately brought on.

Mr. Rafaeli then turns to the matter of Hydroxychloroquine, the subject of 300 clinical trials of which 32 concerned early treatment. The outcome was positive - indeed, too positive, as a number of the studies were broken off when the fact became all too obvious.

What difference is there, he asks, between observational studies that have plumped for early treatment - several telling examples of which he gives - and the double-blind randomised trials the authorities now insist upon as the purported Gold Standard? His readings have led him to the conclusion that observational studies are no less worthwhile and rigorous than the Gold Standard lot: "For big financial decisions,"evidence-based medicine"is set up to approve lucrative drugs, and randomized studies are extremely expensive. Thus, these studies serve as a barrier to what there is no commercial interest in. They are only done if they are funded by big industry or governments."

Besides Hydroxychloroquine, a substance prescribed for over 70 years, referred to by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) itself as perfectly safe for pregnant women and taken for years at a stretch by people suffering from Lupus or certain forms of rhumatism, Mr. Rafaeli points to Budesonide, green propolis and mouthwash (double-blind randomised trial), tested in Brazil and found to work against the virus !

Mr. Rafaeli thus observes that "...we are in a world of mass hysteria and Canada, not Honduras or Myanmar, has become a dictatorship. There the police entered a house, broke up a party of seven people, and arrested two. And Australia? I, a Brazilian, for the first time in my life, celebrate the good fortune of not having been born Australian. There, they already make concentration camps to arrest people trying to deal with COVID."

En passant, M. Rafaeli cites instances that would be "comical" in a less fraught environment, such as that of Prof. David Uip, one of Brazil's leading infectiologists. That man actually sued a pharmacist who had fulfilled the very prescription for Hydroxychloroquine that Professor Uip had self-presecribed... meanwhile refraining from defending the substance in public. Or the doctors at the Prevent Senior hospital, who also self-prescribed Hydroxychloroquine according to the daily Folha de São Paolo, after having decried its administration as scandalous...

Mr. Rafaeli concludes: "And I here make only one prediction. I don't know if it will happen in a year, two years, or twenty, as in the case of the AIDS virus in plasma for hemophiliacs. One day, some historian will look at this pandemic, see the"gold standard"study of budesonide in the Lancet, and will ask,"Why hasn't the whole world adopted this treatment?"The possibility of this not happening is null."

Read full article on his website :  Hydroxychloroquine: the world has lost the sense of risk and benefit
